Korowaitia te Iho Pūmanawa

Strengthening the sector | Early Years. A project funded by the Rātā Foundation

Strengthening leadership in the early years sector

In 2021, CORE facilitated a programme, funded by the Rātā Foundation, that supported the early years sector to strengthen their leadership capabilities and create effective teams. The focus was to lift the wellbeing and honour the aspirations of whānau and children in their first thousand days. We are sharing the report for kaiako to read.

Download the report:

Korowaitia te Iho Pūmanawa | Strengthening the Sector - Early Years


Hear what participants of the programme had to say in the videos below:

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Te hautū i te awa whiria o ako | Supporting pathways to lifelong learning for children in English-medium schools.
A successful transition makes a huge difference for a child and their whānau, by giving them a sense of belonging, wellbeing and engagement in their new learning community.
Our Transition to school research supports kaiako with resources for supporting tamariki in the early years.

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transition to school EM

Facilitators of Korowaitia te Iho Pūmanawa