The Commission For Financial Capability (CFFC)

The Commission For Financial Capability (CFFC) has contracted CORE to support two clusters of schools in the Auckland region, to realise their vision for “all learners having financial capability as part of their learning pathways at school”.

Upper Harbour Sorted Schools

CORE is now into the second year of this work, having grown an active, vibrant community of teachers from across nine primary and secondary schools. The reference group meets regularly to guide the development of the project, and a partnership with Massey University has provided opportunities for teachers to deepen their own knowledge and gain a Certificate in Personal Financial Management. 

Each of the nine schools has designed courses to support their student and community needs. Some have integrated financial capabilities across the eight learning areas of The New Zealand Curriculum, while other schools have stand-alone lessons on various themes.

To support  collaboration and community-building, CORE’s e-learning facilitator has worked with teachers to design and develop an online community where participants share news, ideas and resources across the network. Teachers from the Upper Harbour community recently shared their experiences with the newly formed South Auckland cluster.

South Auckland Sorted Schools

CORE are also contracted to support a second cluster of schools and their communities in the South Auckland area, to realise their vision for building financial capability.

Eight schools form the South Auckland Sorted Schools cluster - a mix of three secondary, one intermediate and four primary schools. Nineteen lead teachers have been registered to take part in the project. The schools have a total combined roll of approximately 5,892 students.

During the establishment phase of the project, CORE’s facilitators are working with teachers through a series of face-to-face workshops, and to establish an online community to support the future development of the work.

The project reference group meets regularly to guide the development of the project, and a partnership with Manukau Institute of Technology will provide opportunities for teachers to deepen their own knowledge of financial management.